Hello friends and family,
Wow I thought I was going on a state side mission.... I feel like I have lived in a bubble all my life haha so I guess the Mesa bubble really is a thing. The people here are super amazing and I can't believe how strong everyone's testimonies are here. There are so many members that are beyond willing to go out and teach investigators with us. There are also a lot of great people here that are not members. One that comes to mind is Ted. He is an old guy that we are going to start teaching this week. Ted is really good at helping everybody that he comes in contact with which is super cool to see. I only met him yesterday but I think he has a lot of potential and hopefully we can help him recognize the spirit.
There are so many investigators and members and less actives that it is hard to keep them all straight haha. I keep forgetting everyone's names and their background but I am sure that I will figure it out soon. Even though I don't know their names I feel so much love for everyone we come in contact with. This week we are going to try and teach every active family in our area. I can't wait to get to know them.
In my area me and my companion, Elder Allen are blessed with a pretty red Subaru. I am glad that I don't have to ride my bike through some of the neighborhoods that we teach in... Pretty sketchy haha. Some of our investigators are not involved in great things but they always respect us. I haven't encountered the business end of a gun yet so I am off to a great start. But one thing I really love about missionary work here is that the people are always sitting on their porch. All you have to do is walk up to them and ask if they would like to hear a message and a lot of the time people are interested. Yesterday, we walked around a neighborhood talking to anyone we saw that didn't look like they wanted to hurt us. We stopped and talked to a group of kids playing basketball and gave them pictures of the temple. They were really interested so we talked to them for a little bit. These 3 kids were 13, 14, and 15. All really nice guys. After we talked to them one of these kids thought I couldn't guard him! Well he was right.... I put up a good fight but was no match for him.
There is so much more but I forgot to bring my journal to write from so next week will be better. I love you all so much and am grateful for your love and support.
Love, Elder Scoresby
PS my address is 3809 Tuscarawas Canton Ohio 44708 apartment #4
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