Monday, May 23, 2016

Week #44

May 23, 2016


Such a great week this week! The highlight was obviously Terry being baptized and confirmed! It is still crazy to me that he is now a Mormon! It was great to see him at church on Sunday. Yesterday was the first time that he wore a white shirt to church! He looked just like a member of the church! He said after his confirmation that he felt so much happier! We plan to go to the temple with him on the 4th of June, so hopefully I will still be here. I've got a feeling that I am going to be moving areas this transfer, so I'm praying that I'm wrong!

Parker is doing amazing! I told him that there's a chance I could leave on June 1st and he got super sad! He said that he was going to miss me so much. He already seems like a member of the church to me which is awesome. He came to church again yesterday and we didn't even see him after sacrament meeting because he was hanging out with the deacons! He is so ready to join the church. We just have to finish teaching him all of the lessons and he has to stop drinking tea. I love Parker and am glad he's enjoying church.

Dave is doing good. He said that he will read about the Restoration. He seems to be understanding and accepting all of what we are teaching him. He struggles a little bit with retaining information which is frustrating but he's doing good.

Bob is doing great! We really focused on the restoration with him this week and he said that as of now, the story of Joseph Smith is a fictional story. Then he said, "but I know my next step is finding out if this is true". So that's exactly what we committed him to do, read the Book of Mormon, and pray to know that it is true. That's all anyone can do. If people refuse to read and pray about the Book of Mormon, then they aren't going to come to a knowledge of the truthfulness. I hope Bob will recognize the answer to his prayers. 

We are going to see Rachel and Jeremiah this coming weekend, the couple that are moving into the new house. I'm so excited to talk with them some more! They seem so great! 

We had a really cool miracle that took about 3 or 4 months to come about! So when I first came into the area, I was on exchanges with my district leader, Elder Hutzler, (side note, he's from Mesa too!) and we were contacting and ran into Nancy, a lady that really wanted us to meet her at her house another time and talk to her. Well she gave us her phone number and address and we went our separate ways. We then tried calling her and were unable to reach her through a phone call so we typed her address in the GPS and... it didn't exist. We were pretty bummed out about that one. However, 3 weeks ago, Elder Brewer and I were driving through the town that she lived and I saw a street sign and remembered that was the name of the street that Nancy lived on! We parked the car, found her house number, and knocked on the door. No answer. And so this was for the next 2 times we knocked on her door. Then, this last weekend, we decided to go by her house and see if she was there one last time. So we traveled over to her house and actually caught her there this time!! She was very happy to see us and let us come right inside! She had company over so we set up a time to come back this coming weekend! I can't wait to teach her! She seems so great!

It's really quite amazing how the Lord works. I'm glad that Heavenly Father is mindful of all his sheep! 

I love and miss you guys a ton! I think about you guys often. Hope you have a great week!


This is a picture of Jackson and Elder Brewer sent by a member in the ward in Ashland.

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