Hi Mom!
Way fun that Cooper got to do his Eagle Project! It looks like it was a ton of fun! I've been loving the New Testament. I think my favorite story is when the Man comes with his son and asks for Christ to help them. Such a great example of how he recognizes the unbelief that he has. So many great example of faith in there. I've recognized that the only thing that prevents me from seeing miracles in my missionary work is my unbelief. I'm really trying to focus my studies on Faith to try and strengthen my own.
Elder Vance is doing great. He's back in his new area. I talked to him on the phone earlier this week and he said that he doesn't even have any scabs on his face anymore. I can't remember if I sent you a picture of him after he got jumped but he's doing way good. Elder Wall is still in our apartment.
So I guess we don't know for sure if Elder Davis is leaving but we've been together for 3 transfers already so there is about a .01% chance that we'll stay together for another one. I would love to stay with him for another transfer! We get along super good and are really on the same page with everything we do. It's been fun being his companion. He'll probably get transferred on the 16th of November. I think I could be here for 2 more transfers after that. That would give me 4 transfers after that for my last area which would be awesome! That's how I'd like my mission to go, but we'll see what happens.
Our investigators are still doing super good! So we're really working with Anthony to help him get baptized by the 12th of November but I don't know if that will happen for sure. He is still struggling with a couple of the commandments and has been so crazy busy. He hasn't had a lot of time to come to church. It would be best if he started coming for all 3 hours. We'll see though.
Frank is still crushing it! He has been having a really hard time with retaining what we teach and what he reads so he's gotten very frustrated. He still wants to be baptized and we have a date set with him for the 19th of November. When we first set that date with him he wrote it down on his calendar and underneath the word "baptism", he wrote, "Be Ready!" He came to church on Sunday and loved it! He'll for sure be baptized before I leave this area though.
I think that Lauren is our most progressing investigator right now! Her testimony grows stronger and stronger every week. She texted us before our lesson this week and asked us if we could teach something specific. I have never had an investigator ask me that before but we accepted the challenge. She wanted us to teach her more about recognizing God's will and how to more fully align her will with Heavenly Father's. We brought Brother Bang with us, a member from our ward, and he gave so many great examples of how he had followed God's will in his life and the blessings that came from doing so. We're working right now to get her to church. She's usually got things going on in the afternoon and our church starts at 12:30 so she can't make it most weeks. At the start of the new year, our ward changes times to 9:00 AM which will be perfect for her! In the mean time, we're just going to have to help her recognize the importance of church.
Yvette is doing SOOO GOOD!!! She came to church on Sunday and LOVED it! Her favorite part was for sure Relief Society! When we saw her afterwards, she was glowing! She told us she couldn't wait to come next week! We've been trying to set a baptismal date with her but she's been pretty hesitant. She feels like her baptism was good and doesn't see the need to be baptized again. Hopefully her experience at church helped her to feel the spirit and create a desire to be baptized. She's so great! I love teaching her because she just grasps what we teach so well!
We weren't able to see Manny this week but we're going to try and see him this weekend. We've been doing a ton of finding trying to get more people to teach. We've got some good potential investigators but no great new investigators yet. I am loving this area! The people are awesome! My only complaint is that the weather is starting to cool down. I forgot how much of a wimp I am when it comes to the cold haha #AZforlife!!
Love you so much Mom! Can't believe that Christmas is only 2 months away! Time is going by way too fast! Love you lots!
PS Thanks for the package and thanks for the letter Liza! You look so much older! Sad story though, the first day I wore the tie you sent me I stained it
It's officially a tie I can only wear with a sweater haha!
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