Sunday, July 10, 2016

Week #50

Hi Everyone!

This was a great week! Had a lot of fun doing missionary work. My ankle is definitely getting better which is good. I am trying to just take it easy on it for now but it really has gotten a lot better in the past couple of days! I was worried that I would have to go to the doctor and wear a cast or something but its looking like I won't have to do that... Unless I roll it again. 

I was really sad to hear about Karen but things sound like they're going okay for her. I hope that Kade will be able to stay focused on the work. I can't imagine how hard that would be. 

Our investigators are doing great! Parker is continuing to do great! I'm going to try and get pictures with everyone this week because I'm for sure leaving. Elder Brewer got called as a trainer last night so I'll be outta here. 

Bob is doing really great as well! He's still reading and praying. He's really seeking for the truth so it's really fun to teach him and see his understanding click. He had plans to come to church yesterday but I guess something came up with his wife and he had to travel out of town for her. 

Cool story really quick about a new investigator that we picked up. Her name is Nancy and we found her when Bowcut was still here. We met her on the street and she said that she would love for us to meet her at her house some time and teach her. But when it came time to contact her, we couldn't find the street that she lived on anywhere! But a couple of months later, Elder Brewer and I were driving I saw the street that she lived on! Wasn't looking for it or anything but remembered that it was the street she told us! We are now teaching her and she's doing really great! She's excited about us teaching her each week. 

Those are really our most progressing investigators. Elder Brewer and I have been having a lot of fun when finding, talking to everyone, and getting along really well. It'll for sure be sad to leave Ashland next week. 

I love you a lot, and hope that you have a great week! 


                             Elder Scoresby and Elder Brewer at a hot air balloon festival.

 Elder Scoresby and Elder Brewer with Debbie and Michael Potts their neighbors.  She sent me these pictures and a text saying how much she would miss Jackson when he leaves Ashland this week and what a nice young man he is.  

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