Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Week #37

 This week was great! I loved conference so much!! There were so many great talks that really touched my heart! One of my favorite talks was the one given by Elder Stevenson. He talked about how a car has so much potential but we have to have the keys in order for it to be more than just some metal and plastic. He related that to having priesthood keys and the blessing it is to have them on the earth today. There were so many people that testified and talked about the restoration of the church and it just solidified my love for the prophet Joseph Smith and for the church. I also loved Elder Hallstrom's talk about how god is our loving heavenly father. I realized that I need to be more mindful of the fact that I am a beloved son of God. 

Terry was only able to come to the Sunday morning session but he said that he loved it! We have some hurdles to climb with Terry so his baptism is going to have to be pushed for a now. He is doing really great though. He's been to church 4 weeks in a row and is reading the book of mormon. He's in 2 Nephi, but we aren't sure how well he is understanding it. He's trying really hard to do what is right which is all that matters.

We got to see Misty this week again but we still haven't met with her family. Her kids have pretty busy schedules which makes it hard to schedule a time for us to meet with all of them. We have an appointment set for this coming Thursday so hopefully that works out. 

We got back in contact with Janet and Kenneth!!!! They're finally feeling better so we set up a time to go see them this week. I can't wait for Elder Brewer to meet them and see how awesome they are. We also had Kenneth's son, Gary, call us and let us know that they've been really sick as well and that they haven't been avoiding us (we totally thought they were). He said that he's been reading the Book of Mormon and he loves it! We're expecting a call from them this week to set up a time to meet when his wife isn't working. 

We also found this guy named Elden a few weeks ago while we were out riding our bikes. He said that he was a Member of the church but we haven't been able to find his records. He hasn't been to church since he was like 10 and he's in his 50's now so he remembers just about nothing. We told him that he might have to be re-baptized and he said that if he needed to he would. He needs to completely change his life style but he said he knows the church is true so it shouldn't be to hard for him to change. 

Rick, another guy we found while riding our bikes, is a solid investigator we have. He likes it when we come over and visit with him. He is really open to learning more and is trying to find out if what we are teaching him is true. 

I'm loving this area! We are teaching a ton of great people that I love so much! 

Sorry I didn't email you on your Birthday Eliza! I sent you a letter and I hope that you got it. There was something special in there.

I love you all so much and am super excited for Mother's day! Times is flying by for me out here on the mission! I can't believe that March is already over! I'm sure Mother's day will be here before I know it.


 Jackson and Elder Brewer
Josh Paul, a recent convert, and Jackson
Jackson and Justin, a member in the ward.

An "awesome rainbow".



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