Sunday, April 3, 2016

Week #36

We had a great week this week! So Terry is doing amazing but he isn't going to make april 2nd. We want him to have 3 weeks living the Word of Wisdom before he is baptized. He has about 2 weeks clean right now. He has also been to church the last 3 weeks which is amazing!!! He is such a solid investigator! He is always progressing and loving the church. 

Janet and Kenneth are still sick! We called them on the phone this last week and they answered! Janet sounded like she was going to die right then and there! Hopefully they get over this nasty sickness here in the next couple of days so that we can see them again! 

Jennifer has been sick too! Her Daughter was sick 2 weeks ago and then Jennifer caught what her daughter had this last week! There are a bunch of people that have been getting sick recently.

Misty is doing AWESOME! So we went over there this last week to teach her the restoration. She had already read the pamphlet and underlined things she liked or had questions about. She also grabbed a notebook and pen so she could write down what we were saying! Then right as we started teaching, she said "I don't want to be taught without my family. I want me and my kids and my husband to be able to learn together" Me and Elder Brewer both about exploded!!!! Before this lesson, she had said that she doesn't want us coming when her family is home because she didn't think that it was a good idea. We are now going to teach her, her husband, and her 3 kids that are 14, 11, and 10!!!!!!! I can't wait! We have a lesson set with them this coming Wednesday. I don't know if I've ever met anyone that is more prepared than Misty is!

We have a couple of other investigators that aren't really progressing yet but I'll be sure to let you know when they do.

I think we only have one mission wide conference a year and that's the christmas one. However, we have a member of the seventy come every 6 months or so and that is split into 2 different conferences, so almost the whole mission. I get to see the Mission President at least once every 3 months but usually more than that.

I'm glad that youth conference went well! Those are always fun activities! I really miss those testimony meetings and the spirit that can be felt there. 

Hope you all had a great easter and thanks mom for your testimony of the Atonement. I am truly grateful for the atoning sacrifice that Christ gave for me as well. I KNOW that Chist is my savior and that with out him, there would be absolutely no meaning to this life. We are all made alive in Christ. I'm also grateful for the love that I felt from my Father in Heaven as I sat and pondered on the resurrection yesterday. It was a sure sign of his love to us.

I love you all so much! Hope you have a great week!



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