Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Week #47


Had a pretty good week this week! We had a ton of time finding which was great! I always enjoy tracting and getting to meet new people. Unfortunately we didn't have as much success as I would've liked. We did find a couple of investigators but none of them are actually investigators yet.

We haven't been able to teach Marleen's friend yet. We went over to Marleen's house to talk to her about going to see her friend but she told us that they got in a fight and she needed some time before we tried to teach her. Satan always has a way of preventing us from teaching prepared people.

There hasn't been a whole lot of progress with any of our investigators this last week. Parker, however, did go on a scout camp out which he seemed to of enjoyed. He already has a large amount of fellowship which will help him stay active in the church once he gets baptized. 

I wish that I had more great news to report but I do have another cool experience! 

So Elder Brewer and I were out tracting in the middle of no where and it was like 2 million degrees and super humid. We had been knocking doors for probably 2 hours or so and had no success. As we knocked on the next door, I said, "Man if we were in Utah we could knock on any random door and a member would answer and offer us some water!" We both kinda laughed and dreamed about how refreshing some water would be. Then, as we were about to knock on the next house, Elder Brewer says to me, "wait a minute, isn't this the Bogner's house?" I looked up and realized that it was! We both stood there, laughed at ourselves, and then knocked on the door. Luckily brother Bogner was home and treated us to a delicious bottle of water! 

Each day I become more and more grateful for the opportunity I have to be serving in Ohio. I love it here and love the people that I get to meet every single day. I love you guys and hope you have a great week.



P.s. Mom that was a great story! Reminds me of earlier this week when we were tracting out in the country and I just about stepped on a turtle! I obviously picked it up because I am me, but I didn't want to carry it to the next door and have someone answer with me holding a turtle... not a great image. Elder Brewer threw out the idea, why don't you just put it in you bag. I definitely considered it but the idea of cleaning turtle poop out of my bag didn't sound too pleasing. I decided to let it go back to his home. He reminded me a lot of sparky! I have now caught a frog, a rabbit, and a turtle on my mission. The next step is either a squirrel or a raccoon! I'll let you know when I catch on of those.

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