Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Week #68

Hi Mom! 

Awesome week! but before I get into that, does Cooper have an email? If he does, I would like to have that. Also, if he can, put the email on his phone so he can check it whenever. I just feel like I haven't talked to that kid forever! I miss Liza like crazy too! I might try and write her a letter. It's a bummer though, we are so limited to time on p-days. 

So I guess to start with the bad news first... Frank is really going down hill. He's super awesome but he is really not accepting what we're teaching just as of this last week. Also, some days he says some stuff that is really out there. We pushed his baptismal date way back. We'll see if he can make it but right now he's being pretty flakey. Really sad but we're praying that he'll be able to figure it out. 

Anthony is doing amazing! He's working so hard at giving up coffee which is awsome! We're shooting for his baptism on the 19th of this month but we'll see if he can make that. It's crunch time so he can't have any coffee from here on out. He's pretty excited for his baptism. We've taught him everything already so now it comes down to him living commandments. Don't know if I mentioned this before, but Anthony feeds us all the time! Pretty much everytime we go over there he makes us a great meal! He's one of the nicest people I've ever met! I love him to death! Can't wait for you to meet him when we come back and visit!

Lauren is doing really well! We didn't meet with her last week because she was crazy busy but we're going to reset her baptismal date this week. She's been reading the Book of Mormon really consistently even though she's got a lot going on! She's the best! 

Yvette is doing awesome!! She has been reading the Book of Mormon a lot too! She hasn't been able to come to church though, due to her crazy work schedule. She has been working a ton! We're getting to the time of year where everyone's lives explode! The same thing happened last year. They all get really busy and it's hard to find a time where they're available to meet.

We found some awesome people this week! 

So yesterday we went and stopped by one of our potential investigators named Curtis. When we knocked on his door, his mom answered and said that she used to study with the Mormons when she lived in Buffalo NY! She said that she really enjoyed it! We invited her to come and listen while we taught her son Curtis but she was busy so we set up a time to come back. We're going back later tonight to go and teach curtis, Tangi (Curtis's Mom), and hopefully Curtis's Sister! We're going to teach the whole family! I'm so excited!! They're awesome! Oh and while we were there last time, as we were walking out the door, Tangi ran over to us and gave us some ribs she made! They were the greatest creation know to man kind.... Stoked to go see them tonight! 

We picked up a couple of other investigators this week but I'll let you know if and when they start to progress. 

Also, I forgot to tell you that this last transfer, Elder Brewer got transfered out of Ashland and went to Ashtabula with ELDER LAU!!! Brewer and Lau are together now and I was talking to Elder Brewer today and he said that it's so fun! I love both of those guys!

hope you have a good week! I can't wait to talk to you on Christmas! I miss you like crazy mom! you're my favorite! 



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