Monday, March 20, 2017

Week #86

Hey Mom!!!

I got those shoes and ran in them one time... then it snowed. I'm not nearly determined enough to go running in the snow. The shoes are awesome though! SO comfortable! I have also decided that I'm going to get a gym membership when I get home. I have to pay for it so that it forces me to go and get my moneys worth! 

Transfers are next week! I'm thinking that Elder Wheelwright will stay here with me one more which I'm stoked for! This is his 3rd transfer here, so if he stays another he will total at 6 months in the area. We're working super well together and having a great time doing it! It's so fun to be with experienced missionaries because you both know what is expected of you and what you need to do to be effective. We've been struggling to meet with some of our investigators. One of them, Lawrence, has been busy the last few weeks so he can't meet until next Thursday. Denitra had to cancel because Lauren was sick. We're planning to see them on Monday though. Aubrey texted us yesterday and told us that she didn't want to meet anymore... BUMMER! She was way cool. Agency is so frustrating some times! 

We got to see Robert and he seems to be doing okay. He had another hard week. His Dad has cancer in his throat and is only expected to live for a few more months so that's obviously hard on him. We stopped by him yesterday and he was clearly having a hard time. We talked to him about finding true and lasting happiness in this life. He told us how he has been trying to find happiness through other alternative things. He recognizes, and we talked about what brings lasting happiness. I don't remember if I told you but his Mom was a member years ago before she passed away. He said that when she joined the church, she quit drinking and smoking and she was so much happier! He is wanting that happiness so badly but bad habits are holding him back. He has a long ways to go but is willing to make baby steps in the right direction. He was able to keep his commitment of reading from the Book of Mormon which was a big change for him! He's been having a hard time with that. I love Robert and I'm so glad that we're teaching him! 

Caroline is doing okay. We are taking a step back with her. We're trying to help her how much the Savior and our Father in Heaven love her. She's amazing and is so close to being ready to be baptized! 

Elder Wheelwright and I are working hard to find new people to teach. It will be much easier to find more people once the weather warms up. More people are outside and we can talk to them all! We're going to teach all of Sandusky! 

I can't believe that Bennett is getting ready to go on a mission! I'm super bummed that we will only have a few weeks to hang. I can't complain though, a mission is for sure the best place for him to be. 

I'm totally jealous that  you guys are in Rocky Point right now! It's way warmer there than it is here! I've been wearing thermals and sweaters with my winter coat all week! You're Arizona Boy is more than ready for summer to hit! 

Love you so much Mom! You're the best! Only a couple of weeks until General Conference and then a month from then I'll skype home for the last time and then two months later.... HOME! Love you so much! Hope you have a great time in Mexico! 



PS We're moving in a couple of weeks cuz our apartment sucks! Funny story, we drove past these sweet looking apartments and sent the info to the mission office and I guess they put money down on it! We had no idea until yesterday when our land lord knocked on our door and asked us when we were going to be out of the apartment. We had no idea haha! We asked the senior couple in charge of housing and we should be out of our current apartment on April 1st. SO EXCITED!

Shopping with the district.

On the way to the Columbus Temple.

Going to the temple with Treena and Hannah, recent converts.

Jackson at the Columbus Temple.

Jack with some kids from a family he's been working with.

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