Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Week #87

Hi Mom!

Just a heads up, this email is probably going to be crappy. I can't remember what the heck happened this week and I forgot my planner so I can't go back and look at it. I'll try and update you as much as possible.

I guess I'll start off with the big news of this week. Elder Wheelwright is leaving me! Unfortunately we don't get to stay together for another transfer. I was really hoping that we'd get to work hard with each other for one more transfer but he's been called else where. He's going to be serving in the Lakewood area. He's actually opening up a new area and shotgunning (Whitewashing). He's way excited about that. I have been called to train a new missionary! I'm sort of really scared! I don't want to mess up haha but I'm sure it will all work out. I'm excited to have a new missionary that will have a full tank of gas! We're going to work so hard together! Every companionship in my district will be changing so that's kind of sad! I'm going to miss them all so much! It's all good though. One of the Elders coming to my district came out with me so we'll probably die here together! 

Will you remind me of where I'm living up in Utah? I can't remember what it's called. And is there any room for another person to live there? Elder Wheelwright might want to live there but I don't know anything haha. 

I can only remember on cool experience from this week. Elder Wheelwright and I were walking to a potential investigator's house when some random guy pulled up to us in his truck and asked us what we were doing. We told him that we were missionaries and of course, started talking to him about the Restoration. He seemed really interested so we're going to call him and set up a time to meet. Also, he's working on a house that's pretty close to us and we offered to help him, so we may be helping him remodel his home some time this coming week. 

Sorry for the pathetic email this week! I promise next week will be better! I love you! Hope you have a great week!


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