Monday, August 1, 2016

Week #54

Hi Mom!

Had a pretty good week this week! It went by really fast but I would assume that was because we had meetings on Tuesday  and Wednesday. Then on Thursday we were on Exchanges in the Euclid area which was a ton of fun. Anthony was out of town this week but we got a text from him and he said that he's still reading the Book of Mormon. He's seriously so amazing, I can't believe how prepared he is! 

Dejah is doing really great as well! She didn't end up coming to church yesterday which was pretty frustrating. She had told us that she was going to come and her mom was going to stay with her. Her mom is pretty protective, which isn't a bad thing at all, but it would be nice if she would let Dejah come to church. We also found out this week that she's getting ready to go to college in about 2 weeks and the college isn't in our area... total bummer. She told us that she's going to come back and visit. She was sad when we told her that she'll be meeting with other missionaries when she moves. It's crazy to me the strong friendship we've been able to build with her so quickly! We'll hopefully see her at church this coming Sunday.

There was one particular contact that was quite miraculous this week! So Friday afternoon we got a text from a member of the ward, telling us that there was a member of the ward moving and they needed help. We weren't able to come until later in the evening and we were only going to be able to help for about 30 minutes. We were debating on whether or not we should go, but I had a strong impression that we should. So we went and the move went great. Now for the miraculous part. Brother Abess, the member moving, had a non member friend, Moses, that was really interested in our missionary service and in our faith. He asked so many great questions and when we told him about the Book of Mormon, he wanted one! We took him over to our truck to get one and when he saw our supply box (box full of literature and dvds) he wanted everything we would give him! Brother Abess then began to bear his testimony to Moses about the truthfulness of the gospel and it was AWESOME!!!! Moses was super interested and said he will be coming to church with Brother Abess this coming Sunday!! Can't wait!! 

We have been talking to everyone in our path this week and it has brought a ton of new people to teach. We haven't turned them all into investigators yet, but hopefully we will this week! Things are going great here in the Shaker Ward! Love the area, love the people, and love the missionaries I'm around. And yes Mom, now that I'm in a less rural area we get to do a ton more with other missionaries in the zone! We didn't get to today, because we had a ton going on. We got a random call this morning from a member in the ward asking us to be on the West side of Cleveland by 11 am. We helped her move some furniture and it took forever so we're super out of time with everything.

Love you so much Family! I miss you guys! Glad things area going well with Karen and that she is able to push through. Hope you all have an amazing week! 



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